General information:
- Helps enhance men’s libido for improved sexual performance
- Aids in improving circulation
- Curbs appetite & promotes weight loss
- Provides long-lasting energy & increased athletic performance
- Vegan, Vegetarian, Non-GMO
Not to be taken by children, women, or geriatrics. Do not use if you have high blood pressure, heart disease (including irregular rhythm), kidney, thyroid, liver disease, or seizure disorder. Do not take with any antidepressant medications or with foods containing high amounts of tyramine (such as cheese, red wine, liver), or with decongestants, diet aids, or products containing phenylpropanolamine
Yohimbe has a variety of uses. Some use it as a fat burner or appetite suppressant. Others use it to provide them with powerful long-lasting energy or increased athletic performance. It is also used to boost libido or as an aphrodisiac. Solaray Yohimbe Bark Extract contains 3% Yohimbine and is guaranteed potent